A UTM code is a snippet of information that you can add to the end of a URL to track the performance of campaigns and content. There are usually 5 variants of URL parameters you can track - source, medium, campaign, term, and content. 

Dimensions you track via UTM codes show up in your analytics reports to give you a clearer insight into marketing performance. We recommend that you install Google analytics on your website or landing page to capture this additional data, and to create a goal in analytics to track conversions. (goal should be the thankyou page)

When creating a campaign and you are going to share links on multiple media, it's better to create a UTM for each media you are sharing on, and then add additional information to each link.

For UpViral we have created a builder that allows you to track 3 variants in a UTM. Source, Medium, and Name.

Source: Facebook, Twitter, and so on.

Medium: What is the type of post that this UTM is linked from, A video post, an image, or a tweet.

Name: This is a keyword you can use to tell multiple posts apart.

For example, a UTM may look like this, 


This would mean that in your google analytics you can track a goal or conversion coming from a video post you had on Twitter.

Then if you were assigning a marketing budget to this as an ad, you can start to know the cost and value of your leads.

Alternatively, you can use the Custom link feature.

This will give you the flexibility to add keyword to the link for tracking, while you don't get the ability to group and filter links in Google analytics link you can with a UTM, its still a very powerful way to track your marketing efforts.