When using UpViral, you have the option to integrate it into your own website or third-party tools. Below, we'll guide you through how to set this up exactly.


  • Please note that for UpViral to function, your audience needs to enter their email address in an UpViral form, be it through our widget, Universal Capture, or an HTML form. 
  • If you're using your own form, you can install UpViral using the HTML form codes or Universal Capture. If you're using our form and embedding it on your page, then you'll install UpViral as a widget on your page.

Step 1 - Make sure you create an UpViral campaign first by clicking on "Create New Campaign" at the top of your dashboard. . You may follow the steps in this article on How to Create a Campaign?

Step 2 - Installation

On the Publish & Embed page, click on the “+ Embed Campaign” button:

This will then bring you to the next page:

  • The first step is to select if you will "Embed Upviral opt-in widget"  or "Use opt-in form of my website" then enter your website URL.

  • The second step is where you select the opt-in settings:

  1. Standard - if you want to embed UpViral as a widget directly displayed on your website
  2. Pop-up - if you want to use a text/button before the UpViral widget is displayed as a pop-up on your website
  3. Popover - if you want to use a popover button before the UpViral widget is displayed on the corner of your website
  4. Universal Capture  and (5). HTML form - if you already have an existing form with name and email fields (usually for ClickFunnels setups or setups where you're using your own autoresponder form design on a page)

  • The third step is the Share widget settings where you have two options whether you want the share widget to show on the same page as your opt-in widget or you can redirect it to the other page of your third-party tool used. 

    If you choose to redirect it to a different page then you need to add the page URL of where you want the share widget to show after they have signed up. Besides the step 2 options, you will also see the Preview of your Share widget as shown below: 

  • Finally, the fourth step will show you what codes you need to copy and paste into your website's editor. If you're not sure how to add codes to your specific webpage, you may need to contact your web host. 

    The codes displayed in this final step also vary per widget type that you chose, sometimes this just shows 1-2 codes (ex. Standard embedded widget, Pop-up, and Popover setups) but sometimes it shows 3 codes (ex. HTML form setups), so be sure to copy all of the codes in their respective places depending on the widget type you choose. 

    Copy Code1 on the body of your lead capture page and copy Code2 (share widget) on your share/thank you page

To test your Upviral integration, go back to the Installation page and click on "Test Embedding". If the test is successful, click on "Save" to apply the changes. 

Lastly,onfigure the destination of your referral traffic by specifying the URL where you want to redirect the referral links of your participants. This will determine where your participants' referral leads will be redirected to once they click on the referral link.

Congratulations, you have successfully integrated Upviral with your website!

How to get your support tickets resolved faster

Statistics have shown us that the more you tell us when you report an issue, the faster we solve that ticket. So...

1 - If you have screengrabs, please include them. A picture is worth a thousand words.

2 - If you have recorded a video showing the issue you're having, please include that as well. A video is worth a million words.
We recommend a free service called Loom for creating these videos. (this is a link to https://www.useloom.com/)

3 - To speed up ticket resolution, follow these useful tips How to Write the Perfect Support Ticket (That Gets Results Fast)