When landing on the share page, you can have the option to have participants share your campaign via social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. 

For these social share buttons, it's not possible for our system to detect if someone truly shared the link and so points are immediately given to the participant once they click the button itself. 

The main reasons for this are that: software in general would need to be connected and have access to a user's social media profile to track its activity such as a shared post meaning it would sadly not be possible for our system to track if a participant has truly shared. In addition, participants could share a post but have it be private making it undetectable as well. 

All in all, it's recommended instead that the main way of incentivizing participants to get points would still be from Referral Sign-ups while having the social share actions not have much weight if the incentives highly depend on points as our tool would primarily best work as a referral system. In this case, it may be best to set the points at "1" or at a low number of points compared to your Referral Sign-up points.