Let's say you're running FB ads to promote your UpViral campaign. You want to know where your leads are coming from. In this article, we will show you how to set things up so that Facebook will recognize the source of your leads. 

Important Note: This is only applicable if you're hosting the campaign on UpViral (e.g. you're using UpViral's pages for your opt-in and share page). If you're using UpViral on your own website such as on ClickFunnels, Wordpress, etc. then you would need to paste your FB pixel on your site directly to track activity.

Get your FB pixel code from your FB ads account by creating the Facebook pixel first. 

After creating the pixel, click Manually Install the Code Yourself. Then copy the entire pixel code.

From here, under Advanced settings, click Tracking codes. Here, you will see fields where you can add some codes. Feel free to click on "Edit" and copy and paste the pixel code into either the header or footer of your Social Share Page.

Click Save after adding the pixel codes. 

Next, get your share page URL (you can do this by signing up for your own live campaign and getting the link after you've signed up). This usually looks like https://up.viral/thanks/155000/lp155000 

You will need to go back to your Facebook ads account to create a Custom Conversion. Then you need to copy and paste your share page URL into the URL Contains field:

For the category, choose Lead. 

Then enter the name of your Custom Conversion. Then click Create and Done. 

From here on out, each time someone signs up for your campaign and lands on your social share page, Facebook will now able to detect this and record all signups inside your Facebook ads account. 

How to get your support tickets resolved faster

Statistics have shown us that the more you tell us when you report an issue, the faster we solve that ticket. So...

1 - If you have screengrabs, please include them. A picture is worth a thousand words.

2 - If you have recorded a video showing the issue you're having, please include that as well. A video is worth a million words.
We recommend a free service called Loom for creating these videos. (this is a link to https://www.useloom.com/)

3 - To speed up ticket resolution, follow these useful tips How to Write the Perfect Support Ticket (That Gets Results Fast)