In this article, you will learn the functions of each of the icons that will show when you edit your lead capture or share widget.
Bold - When you want to make your highlighted text or sentence bold.
Italic - When you want to make your highlighted text or sentence italicized.
Underline - When you want to place an underline to the highlighted text or sentence.
Paragraph Style - When you want to change the format of your paragraph, you may choose to make it: Bordered, Spaced, Uppercase.
Text Colors - You can choose the color of your highlighted text or sentence from the various colors we have available for you.
Background Color - You can choose any background color of the highlighted text/sentence.
Ordered list - You can use this icon to add items ordered by numbers. Could be in Lower Alpha, Lower Greek, Lower Roman, Upper Alpha, Upper Roman.
Unordered list- You can choose to add items in bullet points by selecting this icon. It could be on default bullet, in Circle, Disc, or Square.
Insert link - using this icon, you can add a link to the highlighted text for the participants to click and get redirected to a different page.
Code View - you can switch between a visual interface and code view to suit their preferences and requirements.
Clear all formatting - this removes any applied formatting styles, such as bold, italics, font color, or indentation, from selected text. This function is often used to revert text to its default or unformatted state.
Undo - this icons allow you to undo the last action you've performed inside the text element.
Add Custom Variables - this icon is only available on the share page editor. This allows you to add different types of variables from how many points are left before they can unlock the reward or how many points to unlock the next reward.
For more Text Options for the whole text element, go to the Property Options at the right side of the Editor page:
Width - select the width of the block (Minimum, Medium, Maximum, Full)
Alignment - when block width is set to Min, Med or Max, you can change the alignment to left, center or right.
Content Alignment - you can change the text alignment to left, center or right.
Font Family - selection of different font style
Background color - click to change the background color of your headline text.
Line Height - scroll left to right to change the vertical distance between lines of text.
Text Size - scroll left to right to change the size of the fonts
Adjust on small screens - turn auto/on to adust text size when on mobile.
Text color - click to change the color of of your headline text.
Line Height - scroll left to right to change the vertical distance between lines of text on your sub-headline.
Text Size - scroll left to right to change the size of the fonts of your sub-headline.
Adjust on small screens - turn auto/on to adust tezt size of your sub-headline text when on mobile.
Text color - click to change the color of your sub-headline text.
How to get your support tickets resolved faster
Statistics have shown us that the more you tell us when you report an issue, the faster we solve that ticket. So...
1 - If you have screengrabs, please include them. A picture is worth a thousand words.
2 - If you have recorded a video showing the issue you're having, please include that as well. A video is worth a million words.
We recommend a free service called Loom for creating these videos. (this is a link to
3 - To speed up ticket resolution, follow these useful tips How to Write the Perfect Support Ticket (That Gets Results Fast)