When you first open the Reporting Dashboard, you will see a quick overview of all the essential data for your campaign.

Top Bar:

Here you will find your visitor and lead basics

  • Total direct visits
  • Total leads created from direct visits
  • The conversion rate (direct visits to direct leads)
    • You will also see an increase or decrease in numbers from the previous period. eg: if you are looking at stats from the last 7 days, the increase/decrease will be based on the 7days previous to your range.
  • Total referred visits
  • Total leads created from referred visits
  • The conversion rate (referred visits to referred leads)
    • previous period functions the same.
  • Total  visits
  • Total leads 
  • The conversion rate (all visits to all leads)
    • previous period functions the same.

The main area:

Here you will find other stats for a quick overview of your campaign 

  • Top Left: Total leads, both direct and referred, presented day by day for the last 15 days.
  • Top Right: The top 3 sources of traffic to your campaign, including Custom Links and other identified sources, ranked by traffic. It also shows the leads generated from each source.
  • Bottom Left: The number of users who interacted with your social and custom actions. This section displays the top 5 services for each.
  • Bottom Right: The count of email notifications sent, along with the percentage of opened and unopened notifications.



Here, you can access traffic information from your campaign, categorized into Direct, Referred, and Conversion data.

Each traffic source is represented as a separate line, displaying the Total visits and leads generated from that source.

"No Tracking ID Users" refers to participants who signed up or visited the campaign directly, without coming from external social media sites such as Twitter or Facebook.

Hovering over a line will prompt a modal pop-up, providing insights into how each source contributes to the overall traffic and leads generated, contributing to the overall success of your campaign.

NOTE: UTM results will not be tracked by Upviral and no UTM data will be shown on the campaign's Reports page.


In this section, you'll find an overview of how effectively your actions are performing in the campaign. As shown above, 28.28% of all captured leads engaged with social shares, with Facebook and Messenger proving to be the most effective services.

Though not explicitly shown, you have the option to create custom actions, such as encouraging users to follow your Facebook page for additional points, aligning with the campaign's ongoing trend.

Actions are the events that your users create within your campaign, it's made up of two unique action sets, the first being shares. This is sharing your campaign on social platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and so on, and the second is Custom actions.

Custom actions are actions that you create that engage your audience in your campaign further. Please review our guides on custom actions to know more.


In this section, you can track the day-by-day progress of your visitors and leads, segmented by direct or referral traffic sources. The conversion rate for each day is also displayed. To explore more detailed information, simply click on the + icon located at the top right of the graph.


In this section, you can view the number of notifications sent by your campaign. In the email section, you'll find the open rate for each email and the overall open rate for the campaign.

For example, in the campaign above, 47% of emails sent were unopened. This suggests that split testing the email subject line may enhance engagement for the campaign.

Lead Health:

In this final screen, you'll encounter the Lead Health section:

Healthy leads are genuine entries, representing users who have opted into your campaign.

Unhealthy leads, on the other hand, are entries that may be potentially fraudulent. They are flagged as unhealthy if they originate from the same IP address or if a single user generates an excessive number of referrals for their account within a specific timeframe.

How to get your support tickets resolved faster

Statistics have shown us that the more you tell us when you report an issue, the faster we solve that ticket. So...

1 - If you have screengrabs, please include them. A picture is worth a thousand words.

2 - If you have recorded a video showing the issue you're having, please include that as well. A video is worth a million words.
We recommend a free service called Loom for creating these videos. (this is a link to https://www.useloom.com/)

3 - To speed up ticket resolution, follow these useful tips How to Write the Perfect Support Ticket (That Gets Results Fast)